Apartments near International Plaza and Bay Street

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Apartments near International Plaza and Bay Street

International Plaza and Bay Street

Find Apartments near International Plaza in Tampa Bay

Interested in apartments near International Plaza in Tampa? There are many reasons to rent in this area. International Plaza is located in the heart of South Tampa. This area provides no shortage of things to do. Between the shopping, dining out, and dancing, the list of entertainment is endless. No matter what you are looking for, apartments in this area have exactly what you are searching for. Use our site’s state of the art search tools to make a list of criteria for your new apartment.

Apartments near International Plaza: Lease Types

Apartments in South Tampa will consist of studios, lofts, 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms, so every prospective community member can have their needs met. Three bedroom apartments can be a challenge due to its limited availability and high demand in the South Tampa area. Just about any style apartments can be found in South Tampa. Apartments with hardwood or stained concrete flooring, granite countertops, lofts, water views, old, new, high rise, luxury, affordable housing, and corporate housing can be found. Living in South Tampa is not cheap and expect to pay more in rent. For folks who are price conscious, the apartments near International Plaza in Tampa offers a great selection of affordable rent, amenities, and even waterfront properties!

Apartments near International Plaza: Features and Amenities

Stay beach season ready year round can seem pretty important when you live in the sunshine state. Apartments near International Plaza in Tampa have unique features like tanning beds and 24 hour fitness centers that residents get to take advantage of at no extra cost. These are amenities that not only keep you healthy, but also save you money! You could spend $50 a month on a gym membership or you could workout whenever you want in the comfort of your own apartment community.

Having a washer and dryer can be of the many amenities apartments near International Plaza in Tampa include. Having a washer and dryer not only saves your time, which is valuable in itself, but it also saves you money. Rather than spending your time reading a magazine, watching the time on the dryer at a laundry mat, you could be relaxing in your apartment. With all of these amenities in mind, use our search tools to find apartments that have the amenities you can’t live without.

More about Apartments near International Plaza

Living in an apartment near International Plaza in Tampa will grant you countless desirable perks. Location, location, location! International Plaza is where some of Tampa’s best shopping can be done. High end brands such as Louis Vuitton use this mall as a vendor. And hey, with all the money you are saving in rent, you may be able purchase some of these high end products! International Plaza also has an energetic night life. Bay Street is a stretch of up- scale bars and clubs right in the mall! You can grab a martini at the always busy Blue Martini. This is where many of the young professionals go after work to enjoy happy hour and relax. With a location like this, these apartments near International Plaza in Tampa are prime real estate!
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